When I voiced that I had to go to the pet shop to pick up some hamster bedding on Saturday morning, Simon decided that it was unfair to go to a pet shop and not buy a pet - his words 'We could buy a bunny!' I have been asking for a bunny for a while, but had given up due to his constant negative answers. I wasn't letting go of this though - he'd brought it up, and it was his idea... So, we went to the pet shop for hamster bedding and walked away with a bunny and his cage and what-not. We spent a small fortune, but I got a beautiful baby boy out of it!!

Meet Loki; the God of Mischief, and my new baby bunny!! And he really is a baby, his microchip details have him at just over 6 weeks old!!
He's part dwarf and has little ears to show for it, so he shouldn't get too big, and he has the most adorable little front paws. His facial markings are almost a perfect reflection and the markings on his bum look like he got caught by the paint brush as he ran past!
Since his arrival home, he has settled into his indoor cage brilliantly and seems to be getting along with the day to day noises and movement of the house. He is very playful and loves the toys that we picked out for him, having already developed a pattern of leaving one of his balls in the water dish for me for when I get home from work - it was cute until the bamboo one soaked up all the water and went all soggy! Mischief suits him already!!
Now nearly a week on, he seems comfortable once out of the cage, if not still a little skittish about actually being picked up in the first place - I'm still having to coax him out with offerings of food! He even took to laying down on me last night, so he feels safe enough after a quick exploration of his surroundings and a taste test of my onesie!!
I bought a book to read about training him to be a house rabbit, so I have some bed time reading to do before working on his education, but so far, everything seems to be running smoothly with his introduction to our little family :)
Bizarrely though, against all stereotypes - he doesn't seem at all interested in carrots, though liked the broccoli that Simon brought home for him yesterday! So, I will leave you with a picture of him crunching away on that!