Most of us live through Social Media these days, and I am no different... My preferred platform of choice is Instagram, as I love to take photos, but I am also on Facebook, Twitter and Goodreads.
Check out the links below to find both my personal, and my author sites - I look forward to seeing you there!
Personal Instagram - find out what I get up to, follow my reading habits and get to know me :)

Twitter - Find me tweeting about what I'm reading and writing now that I have joined the platform.
Author Facebook - Follow my journey as a self-published Indie writer
Facebook Page - The Hidden World Novels have their own Facebook page where I post updates, quotes, images and other information about the books in the series
Author Instagram - Follow for daily updates and insights into my life as an aspiring author

Author Website - Find updates, links to my books and other updates over on my website
Crooked Halo Books Website - My independent publishing imprint
Crooked Halo Books Twitter - Find out what's going on in the world of my books
Goodreads - Check out my profile on Goodreads and add me a friend - I love to see what my readers are reading too!
Amazon Author Profile - Have a nosey at a list of my published books
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