Over my few years of writing, I have had many people question some of the places I choose to write... some ask how I concentrate, others want to know how I can be comfy or why I'd choose to do it somewhere so public... my answer has always been the same: Even if I don't get a lot done, it's more than if I'd left the laptop at home!!
During November, while I was taking part in NaNoWriMo, I thought I'd document the places I wrote, bearing in mind that I was squeezing words into some days when I'd been at work all day long and then had other commitments. This was probably the best time to show off some of the places I take the laptop to keep on top of my word count...
So, here goes nothing!
My laptop lives on the dining room table, so that is usually my first port of call. I get a drink, find some food and get comfy on my chair to get typing. There's plenty of light in the day from the conservatory and at night, the lighting is good inside - the only downfall, it's not exactly the warmest room in the house, as my jumpers in the photos give away...

The second most common place to find me is snuggled up in my mermaid tail blanket on the sofa. My corner sofa is perfect for curling up in and writing away the hours... Again, the light is great throughout the day and it has the added bonus of being the warmest room in the house!
Plus, I have company in there these days too!! Loki likes having me in the living room because it means he can free-roam, and he always comes to see what I'm up to!!
Somewhere that most people struggle to understand why, or how, I write, is the pub... The local pub runs a music night twice a week, once on a weekday evening, and once on a Sunday afternoon. I have often been at work all day on both of these days, meaning that I haven't had the time to write. For me, listening to the bands play is only the same as having the TV on at home, so I take the laptop with me and get set up in a corner.
This has to be my most commented on, and the one that I always attract questions from. Honestly, though, I don't find it distracting, plus it gets me out of the house and I get to spend my evening with Simon. It's a win:win situation!!
This year, I took my laptop to work with me a couple of times. I found that I had more than enough time over the two breaks a day to get in the 2,000 words I planned. There were no distractions there - though I did still get called on to fix a few problems... The biggest issue here was that I had to stop when time ran out, and I prefer to stop when it feels right in the story. I only did it a handful of times before deciding that there were better options.

With my slight change in job role recently, I found myself working away during November, and working very long shifts while I was there, which threw a spanner in the works as far as keeping on track with my word counts. The answer - take it away with me of course!
The events I ran were author interview style talks, meaning that once everyone was in and seated, there was an hour where I was sitting on the bookstall with no customers... So, I took my laptop with me and got plenty written in the hour gaps while the talks were taking place. A perfect remedy! (I didn't get a photo of this - I just forgot) I also had a little time on the Friday evening before bed, where I got comfy and did some writing in bed before catching some Zzz's ready for the next day. I actually got in front of myself a little over these couple of days!!
Another place that is catching on for me is the coffee shop that Simon likes to use at the weekends - BarberBarista is the local Barbers and coffee shop that opened up recently in the bottom of the village. Simon is one of their most regular customers, and we often find ourselves in there when we're free at the weekends. I took my laptop with me and Simon took some work and we had breakfast one morning before a late start at work for me!

I even got cake!
The only other place I found myself this month was on the bed. When I lived at home this was probably my most common writing place, but when I have a whole house, I don't often find myself up there in the daytime. This day, I decided I wanted the space to lie down. I don't last long before I get uncomfortable though and have to go in search of a different place!
So, that's most of them - what do you think?! Weird, or normal?!