Friday, 24 November 2017

Just in time for Christmas...

Thanks for stopping by, this is just a quick introduction and some things I think you should know about me... First of all let me explain my profile picture :)

Yes, that is me in a drum bag - the bag you keep the base drum in, for anyone who doesn't recognise it - apparently I am that small; and yes, it did get zipped up!!  Some context, my sister's boyfriend is the drummer of a band, the same band that my own boyfriend plays guitar for. Yep, we're keeping it in the family! You can check out Angry Jesters on Facebook :)

I decided to take the leap into blogging after a few recent changes to my life, and wanted to share my journey and instil the hope in anyone out there that might be thinking that life just doesn't seem to be going their way. I have felt like that for a while now - I had plans, those hopes and dreams that you always assumed you'd have achieved by a certain point in your life. Well, I watched milestones in my life come and go and the dreams I'd had still lingered on the horizon, never seeming to get any closer.

What I soon realised, was that some of those dreams weren't necessarily ones that I should be waiting for, but ones that I had to go out there and work hard for. This one was my dream to be a published fantasy fiction writer. After several rejection letters from agents and publishers about my book, I decided to take the risk of doing it myself, getting my story out there for the people who I knew wanted to read it. Since then, I have self published three books, and have tons of future plans for more. It has taken a lot of hard work, blood, sweat and tears and sheer determination in places to get where I am now, but I am so glad that I took that step, and can't wait to see what the future holds for Angel McGregor (my pen name) - check out the link to see my website and find my books on the bookshelf!

In other aspects of my life, it finally feels like I am being dealt a hand that I can play. I have a fantastic relationship with my boyfriend of just over a year, and we are currently putting into motion, plans to move in together. Plus, I have just taken a blindfolded step off the edge and quit my job in favour of one that I have always wanted. As of Monday, I am a bookseller at Waterstone's bookshop!! I am ridiculously excited, and can't wait to begin. More information on that part of the journey to come - promise!

I want to use this blog to empower people to take a step out of their comfort zone and grab their dreams with both hands.

Everything you dreamed as a kid is possible, it was just our warped sense of a timeline that was unreasonable, leading us to believe that we were failing to achieve. I'm here to tell you that you're not failing, you just have to take the jump, and grow your wings on the way down in order to fly!!

Vanessa x


  1. Love this intro blog! Can’t wait to learn more about you!

    1. Thanks - hope you're liking the content so far!!
