Sunday, 7 January 2018

Winter Walks... Fails and small triumphs!

One of my New Year's resolutions was to start walking in an attempt to get ready to start jogging/running again once the weather improves a little... Last week - EPIC Fail!!

I had planned into my new shiny bullet journal to get out twice last week into the fresh air and go walking - and that it had to be at least a mile to count, so to the shop wasn't going to count! We managed to get out a grand total of zero... obviously excluding my hike to work from the staff car park!

So, I grabbed the proverbial bull by the horns and decided in my wisdom to take a walk in the brisk winter air this afternoon.

The destination; my Grandad's house...

I got all wrapped up, including my bear paws (my present from the other half - cute finger-less gloves with paws on the palms!) and left the new car at home to set off.

What I forgot, was that near enough the whole journey was uphill, and I was soon far warmer than anyone should be in this weather! It was nice though, to get out in he fresh air and just take a gentle walk - though my gentle walk is probably a lot faster than most... long legs and all that!

I made it though -  and in good time - you cannot understand though, just how annoyed I was when I realised that the distance showed up at just under the mile target I had in mind... I pacified myself however, with the fact that I had made it out of the drive and half way down the road when I got the app working - so obviously it counts!!!

Lesson learned for next time though - no cutting corners off for a start! I hope to get out somewhere with more scenery next time, but who knows... We'll see what happens, at least I got out and got started though, right??

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