It was a good few weeks before I got around to picking it up, but boy was I glad that I did. The only downside to reading it back then was that I couldn't get too excited because not everyone had access to this awesome book! Now, however, the tables have turned, and The Binding is out in all the shops, available on all the websites and you can all go and read it! And read it you should! Now, I can shout about it for all to hear! So, let's start with a link to the book - The Binding by Bridget Collins is available everywhere - but I am obviously going to direct you to Waterstones - or your local independent retailer!! *whispers* 'Don't go to Amazon'
My review for The Binding is on the usual sites, Waterstones and Goodreads (and as much as I hate to use them, I do review on Amazon too!) Check it out...
"A phenomenal read and a story that will live on in you long after you close the book"
What a phenomenal book!! I received a proof of this book at a Bookseller event, and had the privilege of meeting Bridget Collins and hearing her speak about her story before I read it. Listening to her was fantastic, hearing where her ideas came from and how the story developed. The intriguing idea of books being true stories, bound from people who want to forget, or needing to in order to make money, was one that intrigued me on a level that I think only true bookish people can understand, but the story was much more than this. Emmett's story, one of honour, secrecy, guilt and love gripped me from the first few pages, and had me crying and laughing along with him. Lucian made a great supporting lead role and tugged on heart strings in just the same way. Their stories, so seemingly separate yet intertwined on so many levels had me eager to keep turning the page!
This is a book is one that I believe will be a fast and easy seller, and I cannot wait to put into people's hands. As a Bookseller I get to see how people react to books and I can't wait to see the love and support that I know Bridget Collins will receive for The Binding!
I'm going to use a phrase that I rarely use because I don't think that anyone should ever only read one book - but despite it only being the very beginning of January - IF YOU'RE ONLY GOING TO READ ONE BOOK THIS YEAR - MAKE IT THIS ONE!!!
And to go one step further - as the Event's Manager at Waterstones Sheffield Orchard Square, I have organised for Bridget Collins to come and do a Q&A event in store in February so that you too can hear her talk about this amazing story - and get a copy of her book signed!!
Check out the Waterstones website for more details and share the love on Facebook!! And I hope to see you there!
Vanessa x
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