The year is coming to an end - only just over a day left - it's time to make some resolutions... My time with Meadowhall is also coming to an end, so there are new beginnings to happen with the start of the new year!
What do we have planned for the new start? Anything? I have plans...
Big goals but starting small - For example, I want to improve my fitness again... starting small; I want to get out walking - twice a week- and it has to be more than a mile to count! I will work up from there until I get running again in the summer!
Another goal is to get on top of my writing as I slacked a little nearer the end of this year... I have a story almost ready to go, another that is nearly a first full draft, and several more with starts written - I want two Hidden World Novels published this year and I plan to put some serious work and research into advertising and social media.
There are other little things - maybe get out of the country for a holiday, eat better and maybe learn to cook - the usual stuff!
So... how about you? What are your good intentions for the new year? Are they realistic? That is my main goal this year - to keep things realistic - I'm known for setting myself goals, but I fail because they tend not to be achievable... This year is different - small steps towards big goals!
See you in the New Year folks!!
This is me... take me or leave me. I am a self professed book addict and I am not ashamed to stand up and be counted! Books are my life, and this is just a tiny snippet of that life!
Friday, 29 December 2017
Sunday, 24 December 2017
Big Spender...
So, as we all know, I got a job with Waterstone's for the festive period... well, with that, came a nice shiny black discount card for me to use as staff! I am here now to admit that I may have a problem - I have spent a fortune! I don't think that I have actually earned any money these last few weeks, as when I sat and foolishly added up everything I had bought - I found over a hundred pounds worth of books and other paraphernalia! Now, I have bought several Christmas presents (nearly everyone has presents from Waterstone's this year) and I have bought several books for myself that would normally have been on my list for Santa... but obviously it made more sense for me to just get them myself with my staff discount. The rest is stuff that I probably did not need, nor would I have bought if it wasn't for the staff discount card burning a hole in my purse...
Interested in a run down??
- Darker by E L James (a would-have-been Christmas present - and of which I am already half way through, as well as having read a short story from another author)
- Slave to Sensation by Nalini SIngh (a series I have been wanting to start for a while)
- Betrayals by Kelley Armstrong (a would-have-been Christmas present)
- Archangel's Venom by Nalini Singh (a would-have-been Christmas present)
- Crow Girl by Erik Axl Sund (a big hit at work I thought I should read)
- A small elephant (that I made into a key ring for my keys)
- Red Queen by Christina Henry (next in the Alice series)
- Pax by Sara Pennypacker (one I saw and decided I wanted)
- Scrappy Little Nobody, Anna Kendrick's Autobiography (because I always wanted to read it and never got around to buying it)

- Assorted presents for the family including books, calendars, and bits for the kids
- Bookmarks for the kids
- A new game for Christmas - Bananagrams (Everyone seems to be talking about it)
- Inky the Octopus (because he just had to come home with me...)
- A Waterstone's canvas bag (because I want to advertise where I work)
- And several oddments that I really did not need, but bought because I could
Oh... and by the way - that hundred pound... was after discount - so the technical total is way higher!!
Enjoy Christmas - I hope everyone likes their presents!!
Love Me xx
Interested in a run down??

- Slave to Sensation by Nalini SIngh (a series I have been wanting to start for a while)
- Betrayals by Kelley Armstrong (a would-have-been Christmas present)
- Archangel's Venom by Nalini Singh (a would-have-been Christmas present)

- A small elephant (that I made into a key ring for my keys)
- Red Queen by Christina Henry (next in the Alice series)
- Pax by Sara Pennypacker (one I saw and decided I wanted)
- Scrappy Little Nobody, Anna Kendrick's Autobiography (because I always wanted to read it and never got around to buying it)

- Assorted presents for the family including books, calendars, and bits for the kids
- Bookmarks for the kids
- A new game for Christmas - Bananagrams (Everyone seems to be talking about it)
- Inky the Octopus (because he just had to come home with me...)
- A Waterstone's canvas bag (because I want to advertise where I work)
- And several oddments that I really did not need, but bought because I could
Oh... and by the way - that hundred pound... was after discount - so the technical total is way higher!!
Enjoy Christmas - I hope everyone likes their presents!!
Love Me xx
Saturday, 16 December 2017
Tale of two screens...
Technology was seriously out to get me over the last week! As those of you who follow my Instagram will know, I recently bought a Windows Tablet that I intend to use to replace my laptop that is so ready to retire it's unreal... Well - I have had nothing but problems since the day it arrived!
When it came through the post, I eagerly opened it and put it on charge before I went out, knowing that I'd want to play as soon as I got home again! First error - doing it in a hurry! When I got home, it turned out I'd been trying to charge it up by plugging the charger into the headphone jack! Good start Ness!! Once I was back on track and charged, things seemed to go okay for a while, until the small memory that we didn't think would be an issue as seen as I keep my documents on a hard drive, decided it was full of updates and then the tablet needed to install another NECESSARY security update and couldn't fit it in! Ignoring the message as I was actually attempting to use the tablet at the time, I soon discovered that it wasn't messing around - and it decided to freeze up on me while I was editing my several thousand page novel, on a copy that hadn't been backed up in around seventeen chapters... Why? Because, God forbid that the new device actually do what it is meant to and just work!! Lesson learned. After cursing it, threatening it, swearing at it and trying to reason with it, I finally got it to shut down and reboot, only to discover that it had corrupted the word file that I was editing in. File does not exist.
I cried. I won't lie - irrational tears of fury! After calming back down, I moved the empty file back to a memory stick, set the anti virus scanner going on the tablet and got out the trusty old laptop in the hopes that it would open the file and all my worries would be for nothing... Updates! Fucking updates! The laptop decided that it had to, at that very precise moment, install very important updates, that couldn't possibly wait ten minutes for me to check my novel file!
After ranting some more, and threatening to throw both the laptop and the tablet out of the window - I gave it up as a bad job for the night and did something less stressful... Two and a half hours later, when the laptop was finally ready to turn on, I was ready for bed! Still no answer as to whether my novel had survived the tablet's little hissy fit!
Move to the next day - a whole work day later - I finally get around to turning the laptop back on, and guess what - file does not exist. That's seventeen chapters of editing gone. Poof. Just like that. Lesson most certainly learned!!
As if that wasn't enough - I then had printer problems - laptop refusing to connect to the same printer that it has been connected to and printing from for the last six months or so... why? I have no idea - two uninstalls, a reboot and a quick smack later, and we seemed back on track and got some documents printed!
The tablet - still didn't have enough room to install its very necessary security updates - so I went out and spoke to very nice man in the shop and bought a memory card so that it could install its bloody updates and I could actually try using it for its intended purpose! Get the card home, find the little pokey tool to fit it and get it in - card not recognised! Are you actually kidding me?!?!!?!? The tablet knows that the card is there, but it won't let me use the space it has created... What the actual f***???
What next? Let's try completely resetting the tablet and see if that helps - wait, we can't reset it while its running on battery power - and guess what - the power cable is not where I am! Go figure! So that will have to wait until tomorrow night now... For tonight, the laptop is as trusty as ever and is working so that I can at least write this blog post...
Oh well - at least my phone isn't acting up... yet... (touch wood)
When it came through the post, I eagerly opened it and put it on charge before I went out, knowing that I'd want to play as soon as I got home again! First error - doing it in a hurry! When I got home, it turned out I'd been trying to charge it up by plugging the charger into the headphone jack! Good start Ness!! Once I was back on track and charged, things seemed to go okay for a while, until the small memory that we didn't think would be an issue as seen as I keep my documents on a hard drive, decided it was full of updates and then the tablet needed to install another NECESSARY security update and couldn't fit it in! Ignoring the message as I was actually attempting to use the tablet at the time, I soon discovered that it wasn't messing around - and it decided to freeze up on me while I was editing my several thousand page novel, on a copy that hadn't been backed up in around seventeen chapters... Why? Because, God forbid that the new device actually do what it is meant to and just work!! Lesson learned. After cursing it, threatening it, swearing at it and trying to reason with it, I finally got it to shut down and reboot, only to discover that it had corrupted the word file that I was editing in. File does not exist.
I cried. I won't lie - irrational tears of fury! After calming back down, I moved the empty file back to a memory stick, set the anti virus scanner going on the tablet and got out the trusty old laptop in the hopes that it would open the file and all my worries would be for nothing... Updates! Fucking updates! The laptop decided that it had to, at that very precise moment, install very important updates, that couldn't possibly wait ten minutes for me to check my novel file!
After ranting some more, and threatening to throw both the laptop and the tablet out of the window - I gave it up as a bad job for the night and did something less stressful... Two and a half hours later, when the laptop was finally ready to turn on, I was ready for bed! Still no answer as to whether my novel had survived the tablet's little hissy fit!
Move to the next day - a whole work day later - I finally get around to turning the laptop back on, and guess what - file does not exist. That's seventeen chapters of editing gone. Poof. Just like that. Lesson most certainly learned!!
As if that wasn't enough - I then had printer problems - laptop refusing to connect to the same printer that it has been connected to and printing from for the last six months or so... why? I have no idea - two uninstalls, a reboot and a quick smack later, and we seemed back on track and got some documents printed!
The tablet - still didn't have enough room to install its very necessary security updates - so I went out and spoke to very nice man in the shop and bought a memory card so that it could install its bloody updates and I could actually try using it for its intended purpose! Get the card home, find the little pokey tool to fit it and get it in - card not recognised! Are you actually kidding me?!?!!?!? The tablet knows that the card is there, but it won't let me use the space it has created... What the actual f***???
What next? Let's try completely resetting the tablet and see if that helps - wait, we can't reset it while its running on battery power - and guess what - the power cable is not where I am! Go figure! So that will have to wait until tomorrow night now... For tonight, the laptop is as trusty as ever and is working so that I can at least write this blog post...
Oh well - at least my phone isn't acting up... yet... (touch wood)
Friday, 15 December 2017
Before opening hours
So, this morning was my first early start at Waterstone's - I had it all planned out! I stayed at a friend's house last night to look after their dogs while they were away, so I set my alarm nice an early as I wasn't sure how long it was going to take me to get to Meadowhall... I had breakfast planned and I had everything ready to go - I even showered the night before and plaited all my hair so that it would take minimal effort when the alarm went off before the birds had even surfaced..
The alarm went off, I dragged my sorry self out of bed and went about my business, being stared at the entire time by two dogs that were most disgruntled that I had dared to wake them at such an ungodly hour of the night. I was dressed and ready to go by six! Too early. After asking politely twice, telling them nicely twice, and then shouting for them to get up, I let the dogs out and filled up the water bowl, cleaned up the kitchen and donned my coat and scarf. Dogs in and laid down again, I was set. Still probably too early - but I didn't want to be late... The bit I didn't consider, was that at such a ridiculous hour of the morning, everyone else was still tucked up in bed, sound asleep - the roads were empty! I flew threw and made it to Meadowhall in record time! By twenty past six I was parked up in the car park, nice and close to the exit as there were only skeleton staff in for most places at that time too.
After eating my squashed breakfast in the car, where I was finally getting warm and toasty, I braved the cold, dark morning and walked over the bridge to head into work - only half an hour early!!
Bloody Hell it was cold!!
Once inside, an easier task than I had imagined bearing in mind that the place was supposed to still be closed... I made it to work, to find that my boss wasn't there yet - surprised?! Not really - we weren't due to start till seven - which mad woman would go in before that unless they had to? Especially at that time in the morning. So, rather than sitting around waiting, I headed up for the store at Arcade, as I knew there had been staff there since six! And I thought seven was bad - crazy!!
Meadowhall before opening hours - creepy as Hell, I'll tell ya! Get a look at this - yes I had fun with a filter or too to help along the creepiness! But still - empty hallways, closed up shops, silence pressing in around you with just the echo of your footsteps for company - oh and the cleaning crew making sure that the place was sparkling of course!!
I found company at Arcade - and was supplied with second breakfast in the form of home made gingerbread people!! Yummy! After a strange conversation about expensive coffee beans that are passed through an animal, and some helpful advise about nutmeg quantities, I headed back down to Park Lane in time to warm up by the heater before my shift started!
Not a bad start to the morning - though I still argue that getting up in the dark is unnecessary! It's amazing how productive your day can be when you start that early though - got loads done; I even re-alphabetised a cupboard - what better ways to put my OCD skills to good use??
Till next time readers,
V x
The alarm went off, I dragged my sorry self out of bed and went about my business, being stared at the entire time by two dogs that were most disgruntled that I had dared to wake them at such an ungodly hour of the night. I was dressed and ready to go by six! Too early. After asking politely twice, telling them nicely twice, and then shouting for them to get up, I let the dogs out and filled up the water bowl, cleaned up the kitchen and donned my coat and scarf. Dogs in and laid down again, I was set. Still probably too early - but I didn't want to be late... The bit I didn't consider, was that at such a ridiculous hour of the morning, everyone else was still tucked up in bed, sound asleep - the roads were empty! I flew threw and made it to Meadowhall in record time! By twenty past six I was parked up in the car park, nice and close to the exit as there were only skeleton staff in for most places at that time too.
After eating my squashed breakfast in the car, where I was finally getting warm and toasty, I braved the cold, dark morning and walked over the bridge to head into work - only half an hour early!!
Bloody Hell it was cold!!
Once inside, an easier task than I had imagined bearing in mind that the place was supposed to still be closed... I made it to work, to find that my boss wasn't there yet - surprised?! Not really - we weren't due to start till seven - which mad woman would go in before that unless they had to? Especially at that time in the morning. So, rather than sitting around waiting, I headed up for the store at Arcade, as I knew there had been staff there since six! And I thought seven was bad - crazy!!
Meadowhall before opening hours - creepy as Hell, I'll tell ya! Get a look at this - yes I had fun with a filter or too to help along the creepiness! But still - empty hallways, closed up shops, silence pressing in around you with just the echo of your footsteps for company - oh and the cleaning crew making sure that the place was sparkling of course!!
I found company at Arcade - and was supplied with second breakfast in the form of home made gingerbread people!! Yummy! After a strange conversation about expensive coffee beans that are passed through an animal, and some helpful advise about nutmeg quantities, I headed back down to Park Lane in time to warm up by the heater before my shift started!
Not a bad start to the morning - though I still argue that getting up in the dark is unnecessary! It's amazing how productive your day can be when you start that early though - got loads done; I even re-alphabetised a cupboard - what better ways to put my OCD skills to good use??
Till next time readers,
V x
Monday, 11 December 2017
Book Review: Alice
So, when I interviewed for my job at Waterstone's, I learned about the series of books by Christina Henry, and had to wonder how I had missed them... I had missed them though, and I was quick to get over to the shop and pick up a copy of her first book; Alice.
Let's start with what an eye-catching cover this is, and the rest of the series are just as beautiful. I love the use of the silhouette and think that it leaves the interpretation of the characters to the reader.
The book follows the story of Alice, who starts out the story imprisoned in an asylum, assumed to be mad because of the tale she told when she returned from Old City covered in blood, and without the friend she went with. When a fire gives her opportunity to escape, alongside the only friend she had on the inside, Hatcher. Hatcher is obviously the Hatter, and lives up to the character's expectations as he really is a little mad.
When Hatcher and Alice escaped the asylum, something dark and dangerous escaped with them, and it soon becomes apparent that they are the only ones who can track the beast, which is of course, known as The Jabberwocky! Alice and Hatcher end up deep in the heart of Old City, where old favourites such as Cheshire, the Caterpillar, the Carpenter, and of course, the Rabbit turn up. We soon learn that Alice has met the Rabbit before, and that he is the reason she was believed to be crazy to begin with. These new characters, based on our old favourites, are fantastic rewrites and fit perfectly into this mixed up reality, giving the good old story of Alice in Wonderland a stunning new twist.
I loved this book, and can't wait to get stuck into the second book of Alice's story; Red Queen - *makes a mental note to add it to the massive to-be-read pile that she already has* - I'm already speculating who the Queen might be, as I feel like we have probably been introduced to her in this book... We shall see if I'm right when I get into it!!
This earns a full five stars from me - and I review my reads on Amazon, Waterstone's and Goodreads! If you love a good rewrite then this is definitely for you, and if you like something with a lot of suspense and a gripping storyline that makes you want to turn the page, then pick this up and give it a go :)
Let's start with what an eye-catching cover this is, and the rest of the series are just as beautiful. I love the use of the silhouette and think that it leaves the interpretation of the characters to the reader.
The book follows the story of Alice, who starts out the story imprisoned in an asylum, assumed to be mad because of the tale she told when she returned from Old City covered in blood, and without the friend she went with. When a fire gives her opportunity to escape, alongside the only friend she had on the inside, Hatcher. Hatcher is obviously the Hatter, and lives up to the character's expectations as he really is a little mad.
When Hatcher and Alice escaped the asylum, something dark and dangerous escaped with them, and it soon becomes apparent that they are the only ones who can track the beast, which is of course, known as The Jabberwocky! Alice and Hatcher end up deep in the heart of Old City, where old favourites such as Cheshire, the Caterpillar, the Carpenter, and of course, the Rabbit turn up. We soon learn that Alice has met the Rabbit before, and that he is the reason she was believed to be crazy to begin with. These new characters, based on our old favourites, are fantastic rewrites and fit perfectly into this mixed up reality, giving the good old story of Alice in Wonderland a stunning new twist.
I loved this book, and can't wait to get stuck into the second book of Alice's story; Red Queen - *makes a mental note to add it to the massive to-be-read pile that she already has* - I'm already speculating who the Queen might be, as I feel like we have probably been introduced to her in this book... We shall see if I'm right when I get into it!!
This earns a full five stars from me - and I review my reads on Amazon, Waterstone's and Goodreads! If you love a good rewrite then this is definitely for you, and if you like something with a lot of suspense and a gripping storyline that makes you want to turn the page, then pick this up and give it a go :)
Sunday, 10 December 2017
A change of name
Just a quick one tonight - I have changed the name of my blog to the above. Admissions of a Bookaholic is more diverse and less in your face than my original idea, and I believe it leaves me more scope to talk about my life than the other.
So this is the way forward - I have a book review post for you in the next couple of days, plus more spending at Waterstones!! Stick with me guys - I'm still on a learning curve... x
Wednesday, 6 December 2017
Book hauls and night time hikes...
I made my first purchase... After getting my staff card, I rounded up the things I've been eyeing up since starting work, and spent some of my hard earned pennies! In my defence, I only bought three books - I made the decision to buy my own instead of having them as Christmas presents this year, but I added several presents for other people, and some other bits and bobs that I'd spied. I walked away with a carrier full of goodies and a smile on my face!
Here's what I bought:
Darker was on my Christmas list for Santa, but surrounded by that many copies I couldn't not have one - due to my strange habits of needing to reread a series, I will be picking up Grey again first.
The Crow Girl is one of the Hero Lines at work, and is selling like crazy - I had to get in on the drama and find out what all the fuss us about, so that is what I am planning on reading next.
The last one is actually children's fiction - but I have put several though the tills now and I am curious. About the relationship between a boy and his fox, the story holds great promise for tears!
After buying all my goodies, I set off for the long journey back to the staff car park - and when I say long journey, I am not over exaggerating... From walking out the doors of Waterstone's to actually climbing into my car, takes approximately eleven minutes, give or take slow walkers and how busy the traffic is on the main road that I have to cross! Add to that, the cold weather, battling directions once inside Marks and Spencer's and being laden with bags, it can take longer.
See that little purple dome in the distance?? That's Meadowhall, and this is only around half way - I'm just passed the main road on the way to the car park - before I've even hiked across the lot to where I left my car. Most of my shifts are lunch time starts, so the car park is full by the time I get there, meaning I park miles away and pretty much walk to work. I am definitely clocking up my steps in a day like this!
Here's what I bought:
Darker was on my Christmas list for Santa, but surrounded by that many copies I couldn't not have one - due to my strange habits of needing to reread a series, I will be picking up Grey again first.
The Crow Girl is one of the Hero Lines at work, and is selling like crazy - I had to get in on the drama and find out what all the fuss us about, so that is what I am planning on reading next.
The last one is actually children's fiction - but I have put several though the tills now and I am curious. About the relationship between a boy and his fox, the story holds great promise for tears!
After buying all my goodies, I set off for the long journey back to the staff car park - and when I say long journey, I am not over exaggerating... From walking out the doors of Waterstone's to actually climbing into my car, takes approximately eleven minutes, give or take slow walkers and how busy the traffic is on the main road that I have to cross! Add to that, the cold weather, battling directions once inside Marks and Spencer's and being laden with bags, it can take longer.
See that little purple dome in the distance?? That's Meadowhall, and this is only around half way - I'm just passed the main road on the way to the car park - before I've even hiked across the lot to where I left my car. Most of my shifts are lunch time starts, so the car park is full by the time I get there, meaning I park miles away and pretty much walk to work. I am definitely clocking up my steps in a day like this!
I planned to take on a Winter Walk challenge this month, and we made it to the Yorkshire Sculpture Park at the weekend where we walked around four and a half miles, but other than that - my hikes to and from the staff car park are the most I have managed - I will check out the millage on the walk and get back to you with specifics!!
Till then, why not get out in the Winter air and go for a walk - it is actually quite refreshing!
Sunday, 3 December 2017
The end of an era...
Last night marked my last night as a Co-op Team Leader at the Petrol Station...
Which means that as of today, I am officially a Bookseller at Waterstone's book shop in Meadowhall!! I've even changed my status on Facebook - so it must be true.
When I got home late last night, after closing up for the last time, I emptied my pockets of pesky black tickets and the numerous amount of pens and other equipment I kept on me, removed my name badge and dumped all of my uniform in the wash. There is now a pile to be returned to the Co-op, hopefully never to be needed again by me!
Now, I say hopefully, because this could be one of the most ridiculous decisions that I have ever made - I left a full time, permanent position as a Team Leader in my local Petrol Station, for a Christmas Temp job in Meadowhall!! Yes, I have considered the possibility that I am losing the plot - however, you don't get anywhere in life if you don't try for the things you want! I have wanted this for a long time, and the temp position is used as a trial period for the jobs available come January. So, all I have to do is make an impression - hopefully a good one - so that one of those jobs in January could be mine. If not, then at least I can say that I tried, and I won't move forward in life wondering 'what if'?
I'll reevaluate my state of mind in January and let you know what I decided...
Until then, I think I found Heaven amongst the shelves of books in store, and am thoroughly in my element! I have learned loads already, and have only done a couple of shifts - I feel like a sponge - anything that they are willing to teach me, I can't wait to take in and try for myself.
So, here's to the end of an era - and hopefully, the start of a new one!
Which means that as of today, I am officially a Bookseller at Waterstone's book shop in Meadowhall!! I've even changed my status on Facebook - so it must be true.
When I got home late last night, after closing up for the last time, I emptied my pockets of pesky black tickets and the numerous amount of pens and other equipment I kept on me, removed my name badge and dumped all of my uniform in the wash. There is now a pile to be returned to the Co-op, hopefully never to be needed again by me!
Now, I say hopefully, because this could be one of the most ridiculous decisions that I have ever made - I left a full time, permanent position as a Team Leader in my local Petrol Station, for a Christmas Temp job in Meadowhall!! Yes, I have considered the possibility that I am losing the plot - however, you don't get anywhere in life if you don't try for the things you want! I have wanted this for a long time, and the temp position is used as a trial period for the jobs available come January. So, all I have to do is make an impression - hopefully a good one - so that one of those jobs in January could be mine. If not, then at least I can say that I tried, and I won't move forward in life wondering 'what if'?
I'll reevaluate my state of mind in January and let you know what I decided...
Until then, I think I found Heaven amongst the shelves of books in store, and am thoroughly in my element! I have learned loads already, and have only done a couple of shifts - I feel like a sponge - anything that they are willing to teach me, I can't wait to take in and try for myself.
So, here's to the end of an era - and hopefully, the start of a new one!
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