Friday, 15 December 2017

Before opening hours

So, this morning was my first early start at Waterstone's - I had it all planned out! I stayed at a friend's house last night to look after their dogs while they were away, so I set my alarm nice an early as I wasn't sure how long it was going to take me to get to Meadowhall... I had breakfast planned and I had everything ready to go - I even showered the night before and plaited all my hair so that it would take minimal effort when the alarm went off before the birds had even surfaced..

The alarm went off, I dragged my sorry self out of bed and went about my business, being stared at the entire time by two dogs that were most disgruntled that I had dared to wake them at such an ungodly hour of the night. I was dressed and ready to go by six! Too early. After asking politely twice, telling them nicely twice, and then shouting for them to get up, I let the dogs out and filled up the water bowl, cleaned up the kitchen and donned my coat and scarf. Dogs in and laid down again, I was set. Still probably too early - but I didn't want to be late... The bit I didn't consider, was that at such a ridiculous hour of the morning, everyone else was still tucked up in bed, sound asleep - the roads were empty! I flew threw and made it to Meadowhall in record time! By twenty past six I was parked up in the car park, nice and close to the exit as there were only skeleton staff in for most places at that time too.

After eating my squashed breakfast in the car, where I was finally getting warm and toasty, I braved the cold, dark morning and walked over the bridge to head into work - only half an hour early!!

Bloody Hell it was cold!!

Once inside, an easier task than I had imagined bearing in mind that the place was supposed to still be closed... I made it to work, to find that my boss wasn't there yet - surprised?! Not really - we weren't due to start till seven - which mad woman would go in before that unless they had to? Especially at that time in the morning. So, rather than sitting around waiting, I headed up for the store at Arcade, as I knew there had been staff there since six! And I thought seven was bad - crazy!!

Meadowhall before opening hours - creepy as Hell, I'll tell ya! Get a look at this - yes I had fun with a filter or too to help along the creepiness! But still - empty hallways, closed up shops, silence pressing in around you with just the echo of your footsteps for company - oh and the cleaning crew making sure that the place was sparkling of course!!

I found company at Arcade - and was supplied with second breakfast in the form of home made gingerbread people!! Yummy! After a strange conversation about expensive coffee beans that are passed through an animal, and some helpful advise about nutmeg quantities, I headed back down to Park Lane in time to warm up by the heater before my shift started!

Not a bad start to the morning - though I still argue that getting up in the dark is unnecessary! It's amazing how productive your day can be when you start that early though - got loads done; I even re-alphabetised a cupboard - what better ways to put my OCD skills to good use??

Till next time readers,

V x


  1. Please don't ever buy me that coffee.... As for alphabetising- my god you were in your element!
    It does look bizarre without people in meadowhall! Xx

    1. It was really weird and abnormally quiet!! - And no, I will never be buying anyone that coffee!! Ever!
