Last night marked my last night as a Co-op Team Leader at the Petrol Station...
Which means that as of today, I am officially a Bookseller at Waterstone's book shop in Meadowhall!! I've even changed my status on Facebook - so it must be true.
When I got home late last night, after closing up for the last time, I emptied my pockets of pesky black tickets and the numerous amount of pens and other equipment I kept on me, removed my name badge and dumped all of my uniform in the wash. There is now a pile to be returned to the Co-op, hopefully never to be needed again by me!
Now, I say hopefully, because this could be one of the most ridiculous decisions that I have ever made - I left a full time, permanent position as a Team Leader in my local Petrol Station, for a Christmas Temp job in Meadowhall!! Yes, I have considered the possibility that I am losing the plot - however, you don't get anywhere in life if you don't try for the things you want! I have wanted this for a long time, and the temp position is used as a trial period for the jobs available come January. So, all I have to do is make an impression - hopefully a good one - so that one of those jobs in January could be mine. If not, then at least I can say that I tried, and I won't move forward in life wondering 'what if'?
I'll reevaluate my state of mind in January and let you know what I decided...
Until then, I think I found Heaven amongst the shelves of books in store, and am thoroughly in my element! I have learned loads already, and have only done a couple of shifts - I feel like a sponge - anything that they are willing to teach me, I can't wait to take in and try for myself.
So, here's to the end of an era - and hopefully, the start of a new one!
I'll say it again and again, we're so proud of you xxx