Once I got him home he sulked for a while and would not leave his stitches alone. I couldn't get him to eat and by evening when I picked him up for a cuddle I found he'd made himself bleed and had to do a trip to the emergency vets that cost more than his surgery!!

I managed to convince him to much some hay and a treat later that day and by evening he was starting to look interested by his dinner, though he ate it so slowly that he probably pulled off a world record.
It was a long few days and each of the little steps made me feel so much better. He let me have some cuddles and his stitches and the swelling looked better and better every day.
The first night that he actually hopped over and dug into his dinner almost made me cry because I was so happy!
He's my baby and I know that a lot of people give me the 'he's just a bunny' but he's my bunny and he's my baby boy! I love him lots and it was killing me that there was nothing that I could do to make him feel better!
When he went to see the vet for his follow up appointment they said he was doing great and that he was much better than I gave him credit for. They discharged him from their care and said that he was doing great and that they would only need to see him again if there was something that I was worried about or he did any damage to himself. Since then he has been doing just great and I even think that he has forgiven me for the whole debacle!
He's now back to his mischievous little self - including the morning where he chewed through the internet cable on my first day off of a long weekend so that I had no internet all day to do any work... I may have threatened him once or twice that day with the slow cooker - but I didn't really mean it. I've forgiven him now that Simon has fixed it again.
And to top everything off - he came for snuggled with me the other day! It's the first time that he has come to me of his own accord and stayed when I've stroked him. He stuck around for a treat and some love before hopping back down again to run around. After a few minutes, he even came back for seconds!! PROGRESS!!
I think he loves me!
I'm done with the bunny-mush now - thanks for reading :)