Sunday, 17 March 2019

Full-time writer-ness!

Back to work today! My eight days off were great - managed to keep on top of my writing-related goals and spend some time reading! My to-do list for the week was reasonably ambitious, but I didn't do too badly. Check it out...

  • I finished the reread of the second Cursed Novel and am about halfway through the manuscript was with edits and adding in a storyline to fill a major plot hole.
  • I haven't finalised the first Cursed Novel yet - that is still on the list
  • I have started brainstorming ideas for the cover of Original Sin but haven't made a final decision, I am waiting on the edits back and am going to ask if she has any thoughts on what should be on the cover
  • I have put my plans for Slayer down on paper and have had some other ideas for threads of the story!
  • I have started making my way through a list of great blogs that I was sent by an online writer friend and sent off some queries about my potential blog tour in the summer
Plus I've read two books and have started a third! Not bad going really!

Oh, and I also received my first Book Fairy subscription box!! Exciting times... check out some of the great things that were in their first ever box and then check out their website and get signed up for one yourself!!!

VOX is an amazing book, I'm so glad to have got a paperback copy - it must mean it's time for a reread! Not sure I have time, but we'll see how it goes...

Got a few days back at work now and then a long weekend off to use up the last of the holidays for this year's quota. I have more to fit in and get done over that weekend and then Camp NaNo will be upon us. Keep your eyes open for that post :)

Vanessa x

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