I've been feeling pretty crappy these last few months, some of which I blame on the weather, but the rest is because I've let myself get uncomfortable. I'm the heaviest I've ever been, I feel uncomfortable in my clothes, which are bigger than they ever have been, and I have a second chin these days! I decided that it was time to do something about it, and having Simon's support and knowing that he wants to get on board makes it easier!
So, after Simon finished work late last night, we totally headed to the shops and went mad with the fresh fruit and veg, to the point where I struggled to fit it all into the fridge once we got it back home!
I have made meal plans for the next few days and have bought a health journal to keep track of what I'm eating and what I'm doing. It even has spaces to track water intake and how many fruit and vegetables I've eaten, plus my step count! I may be enjoying filling in the journal more than necessary - I bought Simon one too, not sure if he'll enjoy using it quite as much as I do... although I have to admit that I probably won't stay this enthusiastic for long!

Now that we have a fridge full of healthy stuff it is time to get going, but after getting back from the shops at gone eleven o'clock last night, I had a last binge on chocolate milk and a Toblerone :)

Today, I had my healthy breakfast and then went horse riding, and had a banana when I was done. At lunchtime, I made my salad, plus I made tomorrow's salad ready to add a topping to and bagged one ready for a work lunch :)
I'm totally on this!!
I've upped my daily step count goal with the intention of pushing myself to walk more than necessary, rather than achieving it just by being at work. Having not been at work today, my step count is low, so I'm seeing a walk after I've cooked tea tonight.
And why am I telling you all of this... because I need everyone to keep me on the straight on narrow! I can do this, but I am incredibly weak when it comes to cakes and chocolate and what not... so I'm hoping that by putting my goals out there that maybe, just maybe, my friends will help :)
Here goes nothing!
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