Monday, 1 April 2019

Camp NaNoWriMo

The first of April means only one thing to a writer - it's time for Camp NaNoWriMo! What is Camp and all those letters I hear you cry, well let me explain...

I took part in NaNoWriMo in November - the National Novel Writing Month - hence the acronym and twice a year, they run a virtual writing retreat for writers where set our own goals and work towards them. We are sorted into virtual cabins where we get roommates that help us to stick to the plan. We encourage each other and support one another throughout the month. It's a great way to get focused!

April is the first Camp of 2019, the second will be in July! I am all set to go - I have set my goal and have all my plans ready. I will be writing the first draft of the sixth Hidden World Novel and cannot wait to get started.

My goal is 30,000 words in 30 days, however, I am actually aiming for 50,000. 50k is the November goal which is the same for every writer who takes part. it averages out at 1667 words a day, which I know is more than possible as I have won NaNoWriMo for three years now, so I'd like to achieve the same target for Camp. I do know that I have other commitments though, so I do not want to set the goal and it be unachievable. I will be happy with 30k - I will be ecstatic with 50k!!

So, check out my writer's Facebook profile and Instagram feed for more regular updates - but I will check back in here around the halfway mark and at the end to let you know how I got on :)

Wish me luck - it's time to get writing!

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