"Running. First you feel like dying. Then you feel reborn."
There's something to be said for inspirational quotes, whatever they're related to. Sometimes you find the perfect one to fit what you're trying to say, then other days you find ones that make no sense and almost have the opposite effect to what you're trying to create. Take this one for example - I was looking for something to try and explain how running is making me feel better. Revitalising me and giving me more energy... Maybe this works... Or maybe it's just enough to put off anyone who had thought about taking running up as a hobby recently!
Anyways. What I am trying to say is that I am nearly four weeks into my nine-week program for the 'Couch to 5k' training. I have to admit that the quote I picked, which I can't find an owner for, but it is one I took from Google, and not my own, (so no copyright intended), though seemingly harsh, about sums up my journey so far...
That first day I went running, although I did much better than I expected, having run when she told me to for as long as she told me to, I felt like I was dying. I won't lie, that first sixty seconds was more than I bargained for, but I can honestly say that with every tiny step, I have felt more and more capable. I am now in the tail end of week four and the running part of the training is for five munites at a time. The first time I did it I was expecting to struggle, but actually found that the five minutes were over before I realised I'd been going so long. The second five minutes of the session was harder, but I still did it and recovered quickly once home.
The last session I did was the first time I have genuinely struggled. I decided that it was partly due to the fact that I have been running in a morning, whether it be late morning on my days off or an early run before work on the days that I have a later start than normal. When I went yesterday, it was after a full day's work, plus a slightly strained ankle and the weather was undecided between muggy clouds and rain. It was the first time that I had to slow to a walk when I was supposed to be running. I prided myself on not stopping. I kept a brisk walk for a few seconds and regained my breath and determination and then set off at a steady jog again until I was done.
It was the first time that I got home and felt a little disappointed with the run, though I was proud to have gone at all having not been before work as planned. (I totally used the light drizzle as an excuse for an extra half hour in bed - my own fault really!)
As I mentioned in my last running post, I have been listening to Jenni Falconer's new running podcast, RunPod. It's been a great motivator, listening to others talk about their journeys, their running habits and some training tips. It has also been highly motivational hearing what others have accomplished and why. One of the recent podcasts was about the marathons... Well, I am sure that you can imagine how that one turned out!
My long-term goal is to take part in a marathon - I am blaming Jenni Falconer for everything! I am not daft, I know that it takes time and determination, so I have other smaller goals in place, and am hoping to take part in a half marathon by summer next year. I'm not sure that I am capable of running said marathon, but it would be amazing to be able to say that I completed one, and my aim will be to set up an interval timer and run/walk consistently all the way. You never know, by next summer I may be capable of more, but I'd like to keep all goals achievable by my current standards so that I can always seek to improve, rather than disappoint myself because I have been unable to achieve a ridiculously set goal...

I have set a goal of £150 to raise across the month, and am determined to fit the 26.2 miles in over the 31 days. All support (not just the donations) will be gratefully received - feel free to send motivational quotes and images over the course of the month and follow me on Instagram to keep up to date with my progress. I will be posting regular updates over the course of the month, with a running tally of my miles achieved!
Please, please, share this post and consider donating, or getting involved - every little helps and all that.
To donate, head on over to my MyMarathon page and click the green 'GIVE NOW' button - then share the link for the page :)
~ Vanessa x
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